Sport / Spare Time

Sport / Spare Time

What can Trieste offer? Main sports events are “il Giro d’Italia” and “La Barcolana”, the yearly regatta with more than 1800 participants that takes place in October. Therefore it doesn’t surprise that the main activities in the city are cycling and sailing. The hills, framed by vineyards, invite to bike tours and inland excursions. Along the extensive cost, free and organized bathing is permitted. Several sports are here offered, from diving to offshore fishing. The closest ski resorts are reachable within one-hour drive from the city. Between the Borgo Teresiano and the center there is the Opera Giuseppe Verdi and, in Borgo as well in the surrounding historical neighborhoods, several small theaters and stages can be found. A large number of bars, traditional and modern restaurants offer plenty of local and international specialties. Peppi, grill buffet located around Piazza della Borsa, is famous even beyond the border and considered an institution. Around the Canal Grande a high number of Cafes and Restaurants can be found: this is the center of the inner-city life.



Trieste, thanks to its history, represents a melting pot of different cultures. Like every harbor city, it was yesterday and still is today a meeting point for people coming from all over the world and especially from eastern Mediterranean, representing today a prototype of European and global city where various ethnic groups live together.

“Caffè di plebe, dove un dì celavo

La mia faccia, con gioia oggi ti guardo,

e tu concili l’italo e lo slavo,

a tarda notte, lungo il tuo bigliardo”

La serena disperazione, 1913-15, Umberto Saba

Visions / Projects

Visions / Projects

The city of Trieste has a lot ahead. The revitalizing of Borgo Teresiano and Porto Vecchio are two of the most ambitious decennial projects of the city. The project for Porto Vecchio foresees the renovation of the building with high architectural value and at the same time the realization of new facilities that are going to fit harmoniously in the contest, giving a “new face” to the city.  The Porto Vecchio will have the function of economic, social and cultural animator of the chief town with hotels, shops, exhibitions and educational areas. The first construction face of the harbor project should start in 2017, while the revitalization of the historical center is in full swing. Based on an ingenious project, the traffic in the center has been moderated, favoring the creation of new interesting pedestrian areas.

Borgo has also a lot ahead: in Trieste it has already two more projects which will be developed by Oliver Massabni Architecture GmbH and designed by a2 architecture GmbH in Vienna.



Palazzo Teresiano enjoys the friendships of restaurateurs, wine merchants, hoteliers and tradesmen. Here you can find a small list of our partners:


  • Forvm Boutique Hotel
  • Equipe Immobiliare
  • Bar Al Cantuccio
  • Osteria Roby
  • Ristorante Baracca e Burattini
  • Gustò Tipical Triestin Buffet
  • Tavernetta Al Molo